Level 2 - Add Your Pricing
Set Up in 2-4 Hours
"I have a price list for my business and I want to use that pricing in my quotes and invoices."
Who It's For
Level 2 takes advantage of SumoQuote's estimating features to get your quotes aligned with production & accounting, and will get you set up for accurate pricing and profitability. Level 2 is great for businesses that want a detailed product list inside of SumoQuote.
Setup Includes:
- Line item based pricing
- Custom or imported product list items
- Multiple templates & layouts for quick quote creation
- Ready for instant material & work orders
- Ready for QuickBooks
Is Level 2 Right For You?
For a comparison of what's included at each setup level, visit the Setup Levels Overview.
Video Overview
Setup Checklist
To complete a Level 2 setup, check out the following sections in our Tutorial Videos. Be sure to watch all of the corresponding videos listed under each heading.
- Set your Company Branding.
- Set up any Integrations that you use.
- Create a layout and learn how to use them.
- For additional information on setting up particular pages within your layout, check out the following videos.
Although these show how to create templates, you can set these pages up within your layout in the same way. The difference is that when you create them within a layout, you will save them as part of the layout and not as an individual template.
- For additional information on setting up particular pages within your layout, check out the following videos.
- Explore the functionality of the Inspection Page.
- Learn more about adding and using Custom Pages.
- Learn how to set up and utilize your Product List and any additional Price Lists.
- Learn how to collect signatures using the eSigning feature.
You're Done
Level 2 setup is now complete. Start creating your quotes in SumoQuote, or go even faster by completing the Level 3 Setup.
Up your Layout and Report abilities by using Templates!
For users who want to go to the next level with their quote-building expertise, check out how to use Templates!
Optional Items
Find out more about the following features to use SumoQuote to its fullest potential:
- Material & Work Orders
- Margin Slider
- Taxes
- Invoicing
- Account Settings: notification rules, quote details page settings, project settings, etc.
Still Having Trouble?
Still having issues with getting your account set up? Contact support at support@sumoquote.com or phoning 509-213-0118.
Updated 10 months ago