Creating Solar Designs

There are 2 ways to create a solar design in SumoQuote. You can use an EagleView TrueDesign report that allows you to generate your design within SumoQuote, or manually add system requirements from another source.

Creating an EagleView TrueDesign

Using EagleView TrueDesign


Be sure you have Ordered an EagleView TrueDesign report through SumoQuote!

  1. Open a Solar Project, click on the Solar Design tab under your homeowner contact info.
  2. Under TrueDesign on the left, click on Modify Design.
  3. EagleView's TrueDesign program will open in SumoQuote.
    1. For information on how to use TrueDesign, visit the EagleView Resource page
  4. You can modify your design at any time by clicking on Modify Design. When TrueDesign opens, select the system you would like to modify from the drop down menu in the top left corner. You can also create a new system from this dropdown menu.
  5. When you are finished editing, click on Close in the top left corner. Your design will be automatically updated in SumoQuote and you can see all of your designs in the panel on the left under TrueDesign.

Creating a Manual Solar Design

In a Solar project, you can manually enter design data from other Solar design platforms allowing you to customize the solar tools you use!

Inputting Manual Design Data

  1. Open a Solar Project, and click on the Solar Design tab under your homeowner contact info.
  2. Under Manual Design on the left, click Add Design.
  3. Enter your system requirements.
  4. Upload a photo from your report.
  5. Rename your report by clicking on the pencil icon above your arrays data.
  6. You can modify your design at any time by simply clicking on your design name on the left, or add another design.