Adding Items

Adding Items to Your Product List

Add an Item to your Product List

  1. Go to Configuration > Account Settings > Product & Pricing
  2. Click on the edit icon beside the Product List (default pricing).
  3. Click on the green Add item button on the right.
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. Name of product or service - does not show up to customer
    2. Description of product or service - shows up on the quote details page for customer to see
    3. Unit of measure - square foot (SQFT), linear foot (LF), per piece (PC), hour (HR), etc.
    4. Material Cost (optional)
    5. Labor Cost (optional)
    6. Margin - markup and margin options
    7. Price - default price for the item
    8. Tax Exemption - when checked off, item will be tax exempt
  5. Click Save when finished.


Check out the next page for pricing options!

There are a couple of ways to structure your pricing. The next page on line item options tells you more!

Add Multiple Items to your Product List

Check out how to Upload a Product List for more information on adding multiple items at one time.

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