Quote Details Templates

Quote Details page templates can be created through the Account Settings or saved from a report. This video will walk you through how to save a template from within a report and apply one to a report.


Find out more about the features on your Quote Details Page!

Check out our documentation on the Product List and a Level 2 set up as well as Additional Price Lists for more information on how to set up your prices for quick and easy product searches.

Control what your homeowner views on their quote details page by watching our Quote Details Settings video.

Create a Template from a Report

  1. Open any project and open a report for editing.
  2. Navigate to the Quote Details page.
  3. Click on view templates to choose a sample template as a starting point.
    1. Some templates have a list icon beside their name, this indicates that there are multiple quote tabs included in that selection. If selected, all tabs will be replaced.
    2. You can choose to replace a single tab by selecting the tab you want, going to View templates and choosing a template with no list icon beside it.
  4. Click on the + beside the quote name to add additional pages. You can have a maximum of 3 quote tabs. Each tab is a separate quote allowing you to build a good/better/best quote or a roofing/siding/gutters quote.
  5. Add pricelist items or manual entries into the line items. The information written here will be visible to your customer.
    1. Click on Add item to create a new line item.
    2. Start typing your item name into the box. If the item you are looking for shows up in the dropdown menu, select it to link it to your price list item. Linked items are designated with a chainlink icon in the corner of the description box.
    3. Manual entries will have a + in the corner of the description box. These are items you have typed into the quote and added a price to manually. They will only be available for use in this template.
  6. Click Add Section to add a new heading (i.e. labor) and add additional line items under this section.
  7. When your edits are complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Save as template.
    1. Name your template and choose to either share with your entire team or not.
    2. Select if you want to save all tabs as a single quote template or just save the selected tab on its own.
  8. Click Save to finish.


PRO TIP - Section Templates

A Quote Details template can be added as a section within your quote page.

  1. Click on the black down arrow beside Add Section.
  2. Select Add from Template.
  3. Your list of templates will pop up and you can select which template you want to add as a new section by clicking on the green arrow.
  4. The template will be added to your current tab and you can continue to edit your page.

Apply a Template in a Report

  1. Open any project and a report for editing.
  2. Navigate to the Quote Details page.
  3. Click on view templates.
  4. Select the template you want to apply from either My Templates or Shared Templates and click the green checkmark beside the template.
    1. Templates with a list icon beside them contain multiple tabs and will overwrite any current tabs.
    2. Templates with no icon beside them are a single tab and will overwrite only the selected tab.


Applying a template cannot be undone.

When you apply a template on your quote details page and the information is overwritten, there is no way to recover the information that was changed.

Be sure you select the correct tab before applying a new template.